7 Essential Skills Every Digital Marketer Needs to Know

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7 Essential Skills Every Digital Marketer Needs to Know

7 Essential Skills Every Digital Marketer Needs to Know

Digital is a very vast industry these days and the best Digital marketers must have the ability to learn and adapt quickly on their own. So, to fast-track your way up the corporate ladder these are the seven very essential skills every digital marketer needs to be good at:

  • Communication Skills: Communication skills are very important or one must say the most important skill a Digital marketer should possess. Without properly being able to express themselves, their merits, their flaws and their opinions, how is one supposed to help a website grow? A digital marketer needs to be outspoken and should be able to convey a message to the client, to the customers of the client and the rest of the team.
  • Search Engine Optimization: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which includes putting in strategies that help increase the rank of a business on the search engine result page. These types of strategies are completely organic and aren't meant to be paid for. Under SEO one needs to research the proper keywords and phrases people use to get to the similar products one is marketing for. And then apply the same to their website using various algorithms and software.
  • Search Engine Marketing: SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing, which includes paying our web browser for the spot among the top contenders of the page in the form of Search Engine ads. When we talk about SEM we talk about Google Advertisements under which google gets paid by us every time someone either sees the advertisements or clicks on the website, these are called CPM(Cost per impression) or CPC(Cost per click) respectively.
  • Content Marketing: There are millions of websites on the internet and each one of them requires a lot of content such as a description of each product, an about us page, or even some blogs. The content needs to be updated regularly as it needs to match the current earthly scenario. Content marketing also includes specifically designed content that is then shared on different social media in different forms. It can be a video on Youtube, a simple post on Instagram or Facebook, or a story on Snapchat.
  • Social Media Marketing: The Internet has given people even from the far-reaching corners of the planet a chance to be a part of the mainstream media and trends. Social media also has become a very important platform to share content and information. Thus the usage of all social media platforms in a marketing campaign for a digital marketer becomes essential. The number of people on social media can reach in terms of impressions is incomparable to any other form of media.
  • Data Analytics: Data analytics is also a very important skill for any digital marketer. To segrate, useful data from heaps and heaps of raw data and making sense even of the minute details that are being presented are some chores a digital marketer should be able to complete. This data might include what the best keywords to use are or at what time during a day a particular item is searched more often than the rest. This data helps garner better and a bigger chunk of the audience that later on helps boost the website traffic.
  • Basic Design: Most content these days are picture or video-based with only a few lines of words and phrases. This content needs designing and editing that is both pleasing to the eye and also impactful to people at just one glance. The skill to design, write and create is an integral part of being a digital marketer.

Hence, understanding the basic fundamentals of Digital Marketing will help you to grow in the future in whatever role you choose. From these 7 essential skills, you will become an awesome Digital Marketer.


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